Security and property
The properties of the Verkatehdas quarter cover almost 30,000 square meters. We make sure the properties of the quarter are comfortable and safe to visit and work in.
Through this page, you can send property and fault reports to help us take care of the Verkatehdas quarter. Let’s keep Verkatehdas comfortable and safe!
Property report
Through the link, you can make a service request related to the Verkatehdas property. The request will help us keep the Verkatehdas quarter clean and comfortable.
Fault report
Did you notice anything exceptional at Verkatehdas that the house staff should know about, or did a close call situation happened during the event? Feel free to fill a fault report.
We take care of the safety of people visiting and working at Verkatehdas. You can find more information in our rescue plan.
Contact Verkatehdas’ lobby services.
“Did you have any questions about the property or security of the Verkatehdas quarter? Our lobby service is also available by telephone during the opening hours of Verkatehdas. ”