Ticket sales
Ticket sales is available by phone on weekdays from 10 am to 5 pm.
+358 60 016 060 (€0.76/min+mcc/lnc)
Lobby service
You can call Verkatehdas’ lobby service during the main building’s opening hours.
You can also send an email to the lobby service.
Event venue sales
Desire Lindell-Hautala, Sales and Event Coordinator
+358 50 595 6704
Rita Kujanpää, Sales Manager
+358 40 868 2158
General inquiries and customer feedback
For other inquiries and customer feedback, you can contact us by email or via the contact form.
Verkatehdas Restaurant
You can contact sales service of the Verkatehdas Restaurant using the following contact information:
Staff contact information
Looking for contact information for a specific staff member? You can find the staff’s contact information via the attached link.